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Jeffrey Powers

Integration Specialist

Who am I?  

I am Jeffrey Powers.

I am a man, in my mid-forties.  I am a Father.  I am a provider. I am a Veteran.  I

I am Me, Jeffrey Powers.

Yes, I am me, Jeffrey Powers, but I am so much more than that.  Those are labels I’ve acquired in this lifetime to identify myself as a human body, inhabited by a Soul, here, now. 

I am my own healer.  My number one mission and purpose in this life is me.  I came here to heal all parts of me, from all incarnations and parallel timelines.  All parts of me includes my ancestors, the generations that came before me, and generations to come. Beings sharing my DNA and Soul level family.

I am my own teacher.  Beyond healing, I came here to grow into the best example of a Human I can possibly be.  I aspire, as I like to say, to walk the Earth as Jesus did.

I am Spirit led, meaning I am not doing this alone.  I am Led and supported by the Divine.  Throughout my entire healing and growth journey, once I made the commitment to me and started investing in me, with the intent of bettering me to create the life I desire, Ive been led.  Divine messages, synchronicities and direct guidance have been placed into my path, into my awareness, for me to investigate, research, learn and take action on.

I know why it is that I incarnated as a White male.  I know why it is that I incarnated in America.  I know why it is that I didn’t consciously begin my awakening and healing journey until my late Thirties.  I know exactly why I had the experiences I did in this life up to this point.  I know what I came here to do, and that is to remember who I AM.  

Through the journey of remembering who I AM, I’ve picked up a lot of tools, knowledge, wisdom, and soul level remembrance.  Through the acquisition of the aforementioned, I’ve gained priceless experience.  Through that experience I have awakened deep soul remembering of my long forgotten gifts and intuition.  Through that experience, I’ve built one heck of a toolbox that enables me to navigate this world differently than I ever knew, or believed, was possible.  Through this Journey, I’ve re-established my connection to The Divine Mother and The Divine Father,  my Highest self and GOD.  I am guided and protected  by Universal consciousness at all times.  Through this journey, I’ve remembered that I AM and WE are ONE.

I am a life long learner.  I will be growing until the day this incarnation is complete.  The most recent and current lessons of growth I am experiencing are how to communicate and share all the aforementioned in a way that all can receive. How to share my energy and navigate differing energies effectively.  How to keep my center, in ALL situations, no matter what is presented to me.   I came here to learn so deeply about myself, my skills, my gifts, my wisdom and connect with Universal Consciousness so I can help others do the same with the upmost respect and discernment for the highest good. 

Some Labels that I don’t resonate with are the labels of Shaman or Healer.  

Just as I am my own healer, I believe everyone is their own healer, however, we all need a little help sometimes, so I’d rather refer to myself as a coach or guide.

Shamans have the ability to remove energies, entities and Spirits from people, which I can do, but this is only temporary if the person is not committed to healing and change.  Without change, the energies removed will only come back, as you are continuing to operate at the frequency that created or attracted them to begin with.  In this sense, everyone is also their own Shaman, able to heal and make change for themselves, thereby releasing stored energies and attachments due to a shift in frequency, and by doing it themselves, it can be permanent. 


I am Me, Jeffrey Powers.


Spirit Led, Heart Centered, Transformational Coach and Shamanic Guide.

Jeffrey Powers
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